I couldn't let the blog go without posting about the recent snow! For a LOT of people over the country it's been BAD, and I mean VERY bad - this country really can't figure out how to deal with snow without the whole country grinding to a halt...see the photos from the rest of Europe, Canada and the US, I've seen photos of snow 15feet deep and they handle it!! ...anyhow, I digress...

In the Southwest of the UK we got hit only lightly and it was awesome so we went sledging on Friday afternoon. The snow was fresh and for once the UK seemed to have got actual powdery snow rather than the rubbish stuff. So up to the Quantocks we ventured! The roads were good as long as you still remembered it was slushy and driving like an idiot could be fatal (still didn't stop some people driving like total muppets though).

Matilda was all wrapped up toasty and warm in her snowsuit and seemed to enjoy it; inquisitively looking up at the snow falling, sticking her tongue out and tasting it, seeing it land on her tongue and nose and generally (possibly? who knows?) wondering why the world had suddenly turned white just when she
was getting used to it being green and blue....ish......ok.... grey....
A rare photo of ME! Shocking, I know!
Mother-in-Law larking around!
All the excitement was a bit much of our lil monkey.
And some arty ones! Available in 24"x16" Canvas priced at £60.00.
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To order email click here: contact@justinkrause.co.uk
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