Old meet new (ish)
I had had this thought when I first started collecting the vintage cameras a couple years ago. I then saw someone had done somewhere else and thought I'd give it a go when I had 5 spare minutes.
It took me a while to figure out which camera would fit best. I wanted to use the Butchers No.4 (c.1915 I think - correct me if I'm wrong) to the left but I couldn't get the shutter to stay open also the Butchers' body would have needed mounting further away from the 5d's body to allow me to get it off and on. I finally decided on the Vest Pocket Kodak Model B (c. 1925) from my little collection. Sure, it's worth some money, not a massive amount but the cameras are just sat there in the studio.
I wondered what it would be like to shoot through a near hundred year old lens...which then led me to thinking about all the things this lens might have shot and bearing in mind what the world has been though in the last hundred years I was sat daydreaming (and cringing) for quite some time...
I'm going to test this out this afternoon so more pics to follow!
You can see some test photos here: http://weddingandportraitphotography.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/test-photos.html#.UUg1MFvORNw